Applying for a gold card
Those organizations (like Lord of the Streets, etc) are your gateway to getting a gold card - you just need to ask on-site!
You can go to Open Door Mission & Lord of the Streets - these organizations are open access (service for all by appointment, then first-come first-serve). You can also see a case manager instead at Cathedral Clinic or Caroline St. Clinic to start the process.
Open Door Mission: 5803 Harrisburg Blvd; Phone: (713) 921-7520
Lord of the Streets: 3401 Fannin St; Phone: 713.526.0311
Cathedral Clinic: 1212 Prairie St.; Phone: 713-220-9730
Caroline St. Clinic: 1934 Caroline St; Phone: 713-286-6000
The gold card is a financial assistance program for Harris County residents to access Harris Health clinics at a low cost. Click here for more information about patient eligibility.